September 2021

Tammy Wen
Parent Engagement Coordinator
Through PV’s educational and engagement programs, I hope that we can help parents feel more confident and knowledgeable about their own abilities to support their children and their education.
We’re excited to announce that Tammy Wen is now Project: VISION’s Parent Engagement Coordinator! Please join us in welcoming Tammy to her new role! The Parent Engagement Coordinator’s role is crucial in supporting parents! By helping our parents better understand the education system, they would be able to help youth navigate through their schooling and improve academic achievement. Parents would also gain a sense of community responsibility and leadership that can be passed on to youth, reinforcing the values, mindset, and skills that PV’s programs work to instill in youth.
In this role as the organization’s Parent Engagement Coordinator, Tammy hopes to maintain the accessibility to education, information, and resources for parents. Her goal is to continue making sure that they continue to have quality, in-language workshops and trainings that cover a wide range of parenting and child development topics in addition to ones that cater specifically to parents’ interests. She also hopes to create more spaces and opportunities for parents to address their needs or questions, namely through implementing dedicated time for parents to come during office hours set aside with staff. Thus, relationship building is also an important part of Tammy’s role to continue strengthening and developing relationships and the communication with our returning and new parents, for parents to help comfortable to come to staff with any questions or concerns they have.